Generals Zero Hour Armageddon

Armageddon disaster. One of the most famous and most deadly mods of General Zero in the field of weapons. The mod depends on 2 new factions or armies (Armageddon - Rebels) with a very small change in the rest of the main factions of the game. These new armies have been developed very significantly in the addition of advanced weapons, specifically nuclear bombs and missile launch buildings, in addition to integrating a large number of these weapons In one army, supernatural capabilities for both armies. A video will be attached showing one of the private armies in this mod with the possibility of downloading the mod and adding it to the original version of the game. 

Generals zero hour

When adding the mod, some maps will be added with the new armies, in addition to changing the graphics of the game, the shape of explosions, the sounds of weapons, with a lot of new buildings from anti-ground, anti-aircraft, cannons and some changes in the design of mechanisms. Note: Before adding the mod, make sure that the General Zero version is free of additions or Files for previous mods so that there is no problem during the installation and operation of the mod

Video For Mod

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 2.09 MB


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