Generals Zero Hour Joint The End of Day

 Based on The End of Days 0.94 mod, it is a mod made by importing some models such as jointcwc mod, Victory or Death v0.2 mod, Crash of War, etc. USA, China, Russia, GLA appeared. Features of the mod 1. Helicopters can attack air units with cannons, but they do little damage to non-helicopter aircraft. 2. Among anti-aircraft weapons, machine guns, machine guns, and small anti-aircraft missiles such as Manpaz do very little damage to aircraft. You can only catch helicopters. Intermediate or higher anti-aircraft missile vehicles are required to catch aircraft. 3. The GLA is the weakest because it focuses on the strength and realism of weapons in reality rather than the rise or balance of each faction. If you value the balance of each faction, you can modify this mode by yourself and enjoy. 4. Naval units can be produced, but AI cannot be produced by the Navy. 5. It's in English, not Korean.

Download mod
1.64 GB


  1. I've never authorized you to use my mod for your modification. Please respect my efforts and intellectual right and remove this!

  2. Nice, add an option for campaign

  3. I can't play how to install this mod. When I clicked the JointTEOD.bat or General.exe, these run original ZH game.

  4. как установить?

  5. есть ссылка на инструкция установки ?

  6. Please mix the all of the mod that was created and make a complete realistic mod that ever made

  7. Superb mod. A few issues noted so far:
    Russian AI does not work.
    US Arleigh Burke name has a typo.

    Overall, great job. Think you can add Ticonderoga-class cruiser for the US in future.

    This mod has the best naval aspect compared to any other mods.

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