City of Pyramids and Pharaohs

 Welcome to the City of Pyramids and Pharaohs. This is the 2 players multiplayer /singleplayer map for Contra 007-009.

Welcome to the City of Pyramids and Pharaohs.
This is the 2 players multiplayer /singleplayer map for Contra 007-009.

Part of the "World of Infinitas" project for Zero Hour.

Players : 2

Map style:
Massive battle

Landscape and main information:
You`re visiting the holy city of Pyramids and Gods, legendary Menehfer. It was built by pharaoh Menkaur thousand years ago. There are a lot of ancient temples and statues near you. Greatest Gods of Light wants you to win this battle. You must show them your power and strengh. Defeat is impossible.



Working very good

Non-ordinary (unique) landscape and egyptian-like style around.


Install it to Maps folder and activate from skirmish game mode.
Its possible to play with Contra 007 (!), but also can be player with more fresh versions, and 009 too.

Map authors - Ilya
Scenario and idea author - BagaturKhan

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