Red Alert 3 The Red Alert

 The Red Alert, a work in progress by the mod group of C&C Labs, attempts one of the most eager errands in C&C modding: to reproduce and develop a unique game. The mod, being developed for Red Alert 3, is based off the first Red Alert's craft and game play. Not meaning to demonstrate authenticity, it rather attempts to bring the habit-forming heart-beating game play of the exemplary to an elite 3D motor, to bring back the exemplary units in general, including those from Aftermath, and to reproduce the precise "feel" of its specialty style. With The Red Alert, epic tank fights, MiG assault runs, and Cruiser strikes will be something other than affectionate recollections — they will all be weapons in your munititions stockpile by and by! It was delivered on September 21, 2011 and was positioned the main mod on Moddb and widely praised on different locales, with GameSpy calling it "A Command and Conquer fan's blessing from heaven.

Red Alert 3 The Red Alert

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