Red Alert 3 Revolution

 The main objective of Red Alert 3: Revolution is to provide a more in-depth Red Alert 3 experience, while retaining the unique art style and core gameplay that made Red Alert 3 so interesting. The variety of factions offered by Red Alert 3 was built and expanded further, with each faction able to channel their strengths with new and updated combinations of upgrade protocols. From upgrading proton beam capacitors from allies, to upgrading the Soviet "Electrostatic Flak", you can be sure that the outcome of games will be decided less by who sends emails to most units, and more about who spends their security points most Wiser. This mod also aims to improve unit graphics, particle systems, weapon effects, and visuals throughout the game. Numerous bug fixes, as well as improved sound effects covering everything from unit weapons and explosions, to unit movement and ambient noise will provide Revolution Red Alert 3 players an unparalleled experience.

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