Generals Zero Hour Reloaded Mod

Download Zero Hour mod reloaded for Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour for free from the largest game mod database of Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour for free

Generals Zero Hour Reloaded Mod

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10 MB


  1. hello guys in this team RTS GAME
    you always make new MODS in this Game CNC Generals Zero Hours in few days, my asking is what your specials item or units for this mods. I think not significant changes and Challenge. my suggestion is why not make new items and Unit like in "ELITE HUNTERS 0.83. coz now we are just waiting new update for CNC GZH contra x,(still progress, long time has been 5 mount) but I must says Thank you for your routine update Mods.
    best regard

  2. This is not mod. Not working. Video from Reloaded 2 mod.

  3. I just download it, it works, you just need to read the READ ME text file to check the installation steps

  4. Oh, I forgot to mention that, even though it does has Naval unit, but not quite controllable, hm... it depends on personal feel about this. Hm..... it's up to you to decide whether you want to play it or not

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