Generals Zero Hour Prepare for Battle 0.45.5 Mod

Exclusively on our site, the largest modification to the game Generals Zero Hour. A large group of new additions of units and special weapons, in addition to new buildings for most of the factions. Increasing the number of the main factions of all armies, each army has more than 6 different factions, including armored, infantry, long-range launchers, warplanes, and many more. This mod is the best gift in 2022 Thank you to all those who developed the mod.

Generals Zero Hour Prepare for Battle 0.45 Mod

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2.46 GB


  1. السلام عليكم
    ممكن ملف الفلوس للعبة جنرال زيرو الفلوس عندي 50000

  2. i tried the game everything is good and amazing because of the game options but maybe you can make the mod much gorgeous because the letters is so big like in russias it even get out of my screen lol and plss fix the game camera height its too high also fix the lag if this applied this mod has a chance to be better like the contra 009

    1. Use Gentool to adjust camera height

    2. my problem is when i move the cursor, map is not moving along with cursor. Help me

  3. I Like Battle 0.45 mod, I'm not already moving to place to place with (right click) and arrow key, So I'm very Headache. Please may add it original moving setting .

  4. I only need a EU faction for this mod!

  5. why is moving in this mod using right click mouse?

  6. The AI is really aggressive in this mod

  7. Hy need help. i cannot instal :(

  8. Hy need help. Instal help

  9. This mod is very heavy to run on my laptop than any other mod I've played

  10. Бе дейба вашето мами дейба шашава испукана по глава като малки. Какви сте вие такива болни мозъци че се опитвате да развалите играта бе дейба женка ви недоклатена. кой ви научи да правите ръш игри само бе дейба мозъците ви недоебани. Аве нормално ли е да те нападат на 2 та минута мотори и да ти бутат сградите а ти да ги дтреляш и да не можеш да ги убиеш. аве вие имате ли си представа от военна техника бе да ва еба. Ходили ли сте войници бе гейове смотани

  11. How the replace this mod?
    When i copy this file in directory files, cannot work this mod

    1. It is a stand alone mod, just export in a separate folder and play

    2. export where?

  12. this mod is not have ECA faction ?

  13. This mod is great but crashes a lot. there is also an update 0.45.7 available already. Anyone has an idea to make it less crashy?

  14. Am not sure i can report a bug in here

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