General Zero Hour Art of Defense Maps

Defense Art Maps is an exciting experience for a very large group of maps that you can access through the original version of the game General Zero or through some special mods in the game. These mods cannot be limited to the name because most of the mods work with them. The idea of ​​these maps is to enter into many experiences where you choose people with you through online or offline to play against very huge forces in different ways of attacking and at different times you must confront these attacking forces, you and the group that will be with you, and each map will have a specific idea, and a video will be attached To clarify some of these maps and the way to access them, as for the way to add it, it is like the method of adding regular maps, and we have already shown this method, and a direct link will be provided to download and try these maps

Download Defense Art Maps
51 MB

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