Generals Tomahawk Mod

The Tomahawk mod is a qualitative leap in the world of special mods in the General game, where huge modifications were added to the main game after installing the mod on it with new weapons and mechanisms with a very big change in the graphics of the game, which in turn competes with the latest version of the game (General Zero) in all areas, in addition to New tasks and challenges The mod, according to my personal experience, is the best among the mods of the two versions of the game, and the most important thing is the possibility of playing the mod online without problems in terms of slowness or sudden exit. In addition to the continuous updates of the mod and there are upcoming updates that will be published if they are issued.

 Download mod
 294 MB

Download mod + game

 1.3 GB

Download from Share Iraq
294 MB


  1. الله ينور يا صاحبي بس انا عندي مشكله في جنرال زيرو ونفس اشغلها ومحتاج مساعدتك لمه اجي افتح اللعبه بتقفل تاني من غير رسالة ولا اي حاجه انا جربت تقريباً كل الحلول مش عارف اعمل اي يعني عدلت على الاوبشان وشغلته كامسؤل واتفرجت على فيديوهات كتير وبردو مفيش حل برغم اني العاديه شغاله كويسه جدااا والجهاز بتاعي عالي بيشغل فيفا 2020 على أعلى حاجه اي الحل يرجو الرد

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