Nargon Battle 2596 mission

For the ZH game, a simplified version of the Nargon Battle 2596 quest is available. It can now win this battle without having to load any games. The biggest Nargon war in the year 2596 is the subject of this mission. The terrible army of the dark-followers must be fully destroyed by coalition troops. You have 25 minutes to defend the Coalition base and use superweapons to combat hostile hordes. The easy version has extra features, which might assist the player win the battle with more powerful weaponry. A large infantry horde is no longer an issue. Snipers, strong turrets, and a variety of other fascinating features are available to the player.

DarkkozDarka and his team - mapping, scripting and other big work
BagaturKhan (A.Krokhmal) - author of idea and universe
MrDark- coder, scripter, mapper and other work
Cetx - additions in Easy version

This map is for CnC Zero Hour original game. No mods compatible.

Video For Mission

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  1. after download how can i play the mission ?

    1. Move the game folder to the path (Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data\Maps)

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