Generals Zero Hour Shockwave Chaos 44

You are probably familiar with the Generals Zero Hour Shockwave mode. This mode aims to take this mod and raise it to eleven. It's not necessarily the most balanced as it aims to give you a large number of good units and tools in order to kill, maim, and set fire to your enemies in new and exciting ways. New units and rebalanced old units make this strange and interesting build on top of the original Shockwave system to say the least. Be aware, it requires C&C's modification; C Shockwave original in order to work properly. All you have to download from our site, you will find the complete modification with the game and you do not need to add any new files


  1. after extract the file..where the apk to play the shockwave

  2. спасибо за мод!самый лучший!

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